Take advantage of the weather to repair outside

Have you had some time to sit and enjoy the warm summer days?  If not, here is a perfect reason to pour yourself a large cool glass of lemonade (or whatever your favourite summer drink is) and take that glass outside.  Find a spot that you can view your home; your going to go over this check list and see where you might need a little bit of maintenance done to keep your home at its best. 

Today's checklist looks at the exterior of your home.  The exterior of a home is the "skin" that provides protection from; weather, intruders (animal and human).  Exteriors of homes are often not as well maintained as they could be.  If the exterior components of your home aren't maintained  damage can be costly.  So, let's take a look, below is a list of items to watch for. 

Good exteriors are attrative, durable and require  maintenance.  If you are concerned about something you see while your checking the exterior of your home, Island Building Inspections can provide you with an inspection specific to your needs.  Call us at 250-339-5399. Until then, enjoy another glass of lemonade!